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Online Giving - Frequently Asked Questions



Who should give online?

Anyone who is looking for a simpler way to assure their giving. Anyone who would like to give to the ministry of Parkway Hills either one time or on a recurring basis.


How can I get a receipt of my online gift?
You will receive an electronic receipt at the email address registered with your account.


Is online giving secure?
Yes it is! Our online giving partner, Pushpay, features 256-bit encryption. Our payment gateway software is PCI certified with 256-bit encryption.


What if I want to cancel or change my online giving?
No problem, just log in to Click on the Manage Recurring button. There you can make changes to recurring online giving. If you have any questions, you may contact the Parkway Hills Finance Office at 972.403.1010 ext. 121.


What about my offering envelopes?
Envelopes are provided and mailed to all Parkway Hills members to assist in establishing faithful patterns of giving and providing records of gifts. If you choose online giving, you may still use your envelope to return during a service of worship as a testimony and reminder of your faith and faithfulness to God. Simply write "online gift" on the outside of the envelope. This will signal our accounting office and yet provide a way for you, if you so desire, to participate during services of worship. 

The key is not how we give--giving can be done in a variety of ways today--but rather, Who (How many of us?), What (Am I faithful?), and Why (Am I obedient and thankful for all God has done for me?).


What are the benefits of online giving?
1. You can prioritize giving in your budget. The Bible indicates giving is to be a "first" and not a last or leftover matter in my life. Read Proverbs 3:9-10. It is easy to let our standards and intentions be compromised by the press of expenses and billing cycles.


2. You can increase your faithfulness. Have you ever forgotten your gift, left it at home or pledged to double it in the future? Have you had times where you have fallen behind because of travel and other schedule interruptions? Online giving provides a way to strengthen your faithfulness.


3. You can help your church. Through online giving, you expedite your gift, simplify our accounting, and strengthen our base of regular support.


4. You can encourage faith and faithfulness in the lives of fellow believers. As you plan and prioritize your giving, you will lead the way for others to grow and mature in their spiritual stewardship. Being a forerunner in this new area of planned giving, you can provide personal testimony and example for others to follow.


What if I'm not a Parkway Hills member, but I want to make a donation?

How would I be able to get a statement for tax purposes?
We are happy to receive your gift, above and beyond your normal giving to your own church home. Online giving is a perfect way for you to give. All givers receive a contribution statement regardless of membership status, assuming we have all of their correct address information.


Will my online gifts be included on my Statement of Contributions?
Yes, they will be included.


My question is not listed here, who may I contact for further information?
Please email questions to Jill Buszkowski at
or call the Parkway Hills Finance Office at (972) 403-1010.

Sunday Services at 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.

(972) 403-1010 |

2700 Dallas Parkway, Plano, TX 75093

2023 © Parkway Hills Baptist Church

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