at Parkway Hills
We are passionate about people at Parkway Hills finding a way to use their gifts and serve others. It's not just because we need help (though we often do).
It's because we know that Jesus was passionate about serving others: "For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45)
Service is not just an opportunity to get involved in a community or to do what you enjoy. It's an opportunity to grow in the image of Christ and to share Him with others. Be a part of something bigger than you! It will bless you, we know.
Mission & Ministry Opportunities
Baptist Student Ministry
Huffman Elementary
Operation Christmas Child
Spark Ministry
JOY - Just Older Youth
Assistance Center of Collin Co.
Brother Bill's Helping Hand
NY Graffiti Mission Trip
Phoenix Freedom Life Church
P70 Brazil Mission Trip
Redemption City Church
Street Smart Homeless Meals